Electrical Mobile

How to choose a optimal Busbar for Electric Vehicles

Powering EV/Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) Batteries with Busbars EVs and HEVs rely on robust electric motor drives, large-capacity battery packs,

BATTERY PACK ASSEMBLY – Other Regarding Application

APPLICATION SOLUTION BENEFITS Side Plate and Housing Cover attachment 2K Structural Polyurethane Adhesive Two-part urethane paste delivers outstanding strength and performance Non-sag

Thermally Conductive Gap Filler for Battery Pack Lower Case

 CHECK OUT Thermal Gap Filler List of products Thermally Management role in durability and performance of Battery Pack –

Sealing Battery Pack between Upper Case and Lower Case

Why Battery Pack Sealing? Achieving a quality seal is critical for the performance and longevity of EV batteries and for

What is Busbars and How it benefits EV Battery Modules?

WHAT IS BUSBAR? Battery is the heart of an Electric Vehicle. However, it is the battery that comprises the most

5G Smart E-Vehicle Solutions

Indispensable Specialty Material and Manufacturing Solution for Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicles Prostech is here to be an internal part