Electrical Mobile

E-motor Potting – Optimal Thermally Conductive Solution for EVs Drive

Why Thermal Management is essential in EVs Motor? Motor designers have battled heat in motor designs for years. Thermal losses

E-motor Magnet Bonding – What is the best adhesive for magnet?

All manufacturers of electric motors have one common goal in mind: making them smaller and more powerful, while increasing their

Temperature Sensor in Electric Vehicle

Temperature sensors are a key component in Li-Ion battery charging and safety. They provide critical temperature data required to keep

Encapsulation Foam for Cylindrical Battery Cell in EVs

EV BATTERY DENSITY CHALLENGES One fundamental purpose of a battery is to pack as much power into as small a

Battery Cell Bonding Solution for EV Battery

Battery Cell Assembly Process depends on the cell format and the individual manufacturer designs. They are manufactured in many sizes

Battery Module Solution for Electric Vehicle

When it comes to battery modules, two other words often come to mind: battery cell, battery pack. In fact, battery

Venting Film for EV Battery Pack

Dual-stage vents help PROTECT automotive battery packs and SUPPORT BATTERY LIFE and RELIABILITY with 4 KEY FUNCTIONS Water, dust, debris,

Manual Service Disconnect (MSD) connector Sealing Solution

What is Manual Service Disconnect connector (MSD)? Manual Service Disconnect connector is a manual maintenance protection switch with a high-voltage

Solution for Heating System in Battery Pack

In cold climates (Europe Market), battery pack temperature probably falls below the lower temperature limit. Hence, a heating function, such

Cooling System in Battery Pack Solution

Due to inefficiency, battery cells will not only generate electricity but also heat. This heat should be moved from the