3M Novec phase out

Key Criterias for choosing 3M Novec Replacements

3M Novec phase-out Considering the increasingly stringent regulations on the use of PFAS compounds, 3M has announced that it will

3M Novec replacements – Drop-in and long-term solution

Why 3M Novec Replacement? The discontinuation of 3M Novec can be attributed to the increased regulatory scrutiny on cleaning solvents.

Discontinue 3M PFAS- How to reduce the impact for Novec users?

3M PFAS phase out and 3M Novec solvent shortages. Across the globle, the supply chain shortages of 3M Novec solvents

What is 3M Novec and why it is phased out?

What is 3M Novec? 3M™ Novec™ is a brand of advanced specialty fluids developed by 3M used for coating, cleaning,