In Low-Pressure Molding Applications, an appropriate Mold Set Design is indispensable. Though any experienced mold maker can manufacture mold sets for low-pressure molding, it is essential to consider the compatibility with the total solution to deliver the most effective but economic LPM process.

As a result, a partner as PROSTECH with specialized knowledge will be the ideal choice for providing a mold set for  LPM.

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Tooling Services

Prototype Tooling

We offer prototype-tooling options to test the functionality of the molded parts and confirm the yield within your production. The prototype tools are warrantied up to 1,000 molding cycles.

Production Tooling

We perform a tooling trial with each mold set to confirm the tooling is functioning properly and establish a repeatable process window. Each mold set includes a standard-ejection system and is cross drilled for easy chiller system hook up.

Drawing Samples

Mold Set 150×150 mm

Mold Set 200×150 mm

Mold Set 200×150 mm

Mold Set 200×150 mm

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