Ideal replacement for AK225-based liquid cleaners, which were eliminated at the beginning of 2015 due to ozone depletion restrictions. Precision V VC-1500 provides azeotropic properties that allow it to safely and efficiently cycle in a vapor degreaser. It is not reactive nor corrosive to metals commonly found in the construction of vapor degreasers. Exposure to Precision-V solvents is less hazardous than other solvents commonly used in vapor degreasers: e.g. TCE, nPB, and Perc. Precision V VC-1500 Flux Remover has a lower boiling point than other vapor-degreaser solvents, reducing heat-stress on components being cleaned and reducing energy consumption from the boil sump and chiller coils. Precision-V Flux Remover cleans R, RA, RMA and SA type flux residues after high temperature reflow, wave and hand-soldering. It is ideal for lead and lead-free processes.
- Powerful cleaner
- Nonflammable
- Rapid evaporation
- Zero residue
- Safe on most plastics
- Low VOC
- Non-ozone depleting
Base solvent | DuPont Vertrel® XF |
kB value | 62 |
Boiling point | 90ºF/32ºC |
VOC (g/l) | 562 |
GWP | 663 |