Temporary masking materials are nowadays used in a lot of processes as anodizing, plating, acid stripping, chemical milling/etching, air plasma spray and HVOF, vibratory finishing, machining and so on that involve in harsh environmental conditions such as strong chemical, high temperature as well as high humidity.

Especially, these processes are widely integrated into refurbishing mobiles as well as other consumer electronics, they help to provide corrosion protection and can be painted on.
Mobile phones, smartphones, and tablets Refurbish is a process that helps to repair or renew these devices. Refurbishment involves many complicated steps but one of the most important ones is anodizing the housing which will not restore the appearance but will provide corrosion protection and can be re-painted on.
However, on the housing, there are some delicate or unnecessarily anodized areas that should be temporarily protected by maskants.

For the masking method, although there are many traditional ways such as tape, wax, and lacquer masking, nowadays UV curing masking adhesives are spread-widely used due to their benefits over the traditional ones as follows:
♦ Apply and cure in seconds
♦ Residue-free surfaces after proper light cure
♦ Reliable protection for complex and intricate configurations
♦ Superior protection with one layer of material
♦ No additional investment for design changes or new components
♦ Masked parts are immediately ready for production
Especially, anodizing masks feature chemical resistance for better surface protection of the device’s housing from the strong acids used in the anodizing process. Cured maskants protects the substrate surface while the oxide layer of coating, which changes the microscopic texture of the component surface, is applied. These materials can tolerate most Type I (Chromic Acid), Type II (Sulfuric Acid), or Type III (Hard coat) anodizing processes.
Light-curable maskants are used successfully in many industries, including aerospace and defense, power generation, metal finishing, and the manufacturing of orthopedic implants, medical devices, and consumer electronics. Masking resins are easily applied by syringe or through dipping, spraying, or screen-printing, and are available in peelable or burn-off grades that leave component surfaces residue-free.

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