Spreading out interesting information and knowledge about specialty materials,
manufacturing solutions as well as updated insights, trends in various industries.
What is Polycarbonate Plastic?Characteristics of Polycarbonate PlasticApplications of Polycarbonate in Various IndustriesAutomotiveElectronics & Home AppliancesElectricalConstructionMedical DevicesFood PackagingWhy is Bonding Polycarbonate
Understanding RFID BondingKey Requirements for RFID Bonding SolutionsTypes of Adhesives for RFID Bonding1. Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSA)2. Heat-Activated Adhesives3. Conductive Adhesives4.
What Are Thermally Conductive Adhesives (TCAs)?Key Benefits of Thermal Conductive AdhesivesApplications of Thermally Conductive Adhesives in Electronics & SemiconductorsBonding Integrated
Smartwatches: The Revolution in Modern LifestylesChallenges in Designing Smart WatchProstech: A Trusted Provider of High-Performance Material Solutions for Smart Watch1.
Thermal Impedance is a property of a particular assembly measured by the ratio of the temperature difference between two surfaces
Thermal conductivity is the time rate of heat flow through a unit area producing a unit temperature difference across a
Lớp vật liệu sẽ phát ra ánh sáng sau khi hấp thụ ánh sáng từ nguồn khác hoặc nhận được
is the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation